Why subscribe?
Why Panache? Because that was the name of my fanzine. That started everything in December 1976, and needs to be continued.
There’s a lot of things to write about. I mean…a lot! By subscribing you will find out about all of it. There is a depth of awareness and experience I bring to reviewing, as well my ridiculous thirst for new discoveries. You’ll be seeing plenty of reviews, week in, week out.
The vast majority of my reviews will always be free but I’m not a charity, so there is a paid subscription that I hope you will consider. Certain reviews and articles, with archive interviews, will only be available to paid subscribers, as will be the main large photo galleries which go right back to Punk, so there are many treasures there to be revealed. Paid subscribers will also get advance news on ongoing book projects.
It won’t just be music-related here at Panache. There will also be gaming-related content when certain projects are ready, and you will soon get used to seeing our nine cats. There’ll be comics, books, graveyard photography …
I’m technically nearing ‘retirement’, although I have no intention of doing that, because that’s when your brain shrivels to the size of a walnut and they may as well fold you up and tuck you into a cupboard, there to dwell among the dust.
This means I have plenty of time to write. I want to write, and hopefully you want to read, and gaze. This could be just the place for you.
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