WOMEN OF MARVEL - She Devils #1, DAREDEVIL: Unleash Hell #2, DAREDEVIL #18
Do you want the bad news, or the even crapper news?
After a dull introduction from consulting editor Angelique Roche about why she loves comics, and the importance of women in the Marvel world, we get some sub-standard storytelling and art. It starts with Shanna in the Savage lands, where some primal bad guy is trying to break through, using her as his vessel. That doesn’t work, and then we hit parts two and three involving Bloodline being taught fighting skills by Laura Kinney and Elektra. The entity reappears, trying to take them over, and so Bloodline uses her cat Walpurgis to teleport them somewhere ‘safe’ where they end up fighting a long dead Viking and eventually everything works out.
Seriously, what a load of bollocks! It also includes some of thE worst panel layouts I think I’ve ever seen.
So we had the art student Morgan in issue #1 being mentored by serial killer Muse who is back from the dead. Former detective Cole (currently working with Foggy Nelson) alerts Elektra to the existence of an ugly art exhibit, made up from various bodies but dressed as Elektra. She has a quick chat with Matt, having found an address carved into the exhibit, he tells her to be careful, she gets petulant, and off she goes. Obviously Matt must be a bit busy, as he goes nowhere.
She finds Morgan, realises Morgan is strong, Muse appears and that’s it, as things won’t really kick off util the next issue.
There are definitely some nice touches and a few really cool panels, but it’s badly written and lacks excitement.
I’m really glad this story arc is ending soon as it’s another case of poor writing being unable to do justice to a good idea: Daredevil escaping from Hell but being pursued by the seven deadly sins. In this issue he defeats Pride, saving Foggy in the process, and then goes after Wrath, who gives him a kicking, The issue ends with Wrath holding up Bullseye and Foggy and asking Daredevil to choose which one dies.
#19 is supposed to be an important issue, and I hope that is true, because that has run out of steam and is just paddling about in an ineffectual manner. There’s also supposed to be a new enemy on the horizon so maybe we can escape the Kingpin/Bullseye predictability?